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Deloitte employees volunteering at the Y, Planting flowers

Our North Royalton and West Park branches were delighted to be part of Deloitte's Impact Day in June. Deloitte's annual day of service celebrates its year-round commitment to collectively making an #ImpactThatMatters in the communities where their employees live and work. Each year,  

Deloitte leaders and professionals engage in more than 1,000 in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities alongside nonprofits across the United States. 

Last month, Deloitte employees visited our North Royalton Family YMCA, repainted safety zones at the entrance, and added mulch to our playground. Additionally, they made the facility more welcoming by improving our landscape and performing numerous painting projects in the branch. At our West Park Family YMCA, Deloitte employees painted our teen room, family changing room, and women's locker room, making the facility more welcoming. They also weeded and mulched our preschool playground. 

We are grateful for Deloitte and all the companies, organizations, and people who help us serve our mission. There would not be a Y without you!