In 2022, Angela Matthews, Senior Vice President of Gaming and Corporate Operations at JACK Entertainment, joined the advisory board of the Warrensville Heights YMCA. A native of Las Vegas, Angela found herself in a new workplace and a new community upon her arrival to Cleveland. While her initial outreach to the YMCA was related to her job, as Angela wanted to ensure that JACK Thistledown was creating an identity and impacting its community, the Warrensville Heights YMCA quickly became near and dear to Angela’s heart.
As a mother, her passion for youth and ensuring their success, paired with her do-nothing-halfway mentality, led to involvement within the YMCA that is beyond what she could have imagined.
“The Y is a special place,” says Angela. “Being in the branch and hearing stories from families who benefit from the offerings is inspirational. Knowing that we are having a lasting impact on children and their families, from swim lessons to basketball programs, is what motivates me to want to do even more.”
Michael Carter, the Executive Director of the Warrensville Heights Family YMCA, said, “Angela exemplifies every quality we could hope to see in an advisory board member and donor. She brings personal and professional connections to resources, volunteers for events, and even spearheads committees. Angela is always willing to assist the branch in any way that she can. The Warrensville Heights YMCA is a stronger partner in their community with Angela as an advocate and supporter.”
Angela hopes that others who have a passion for the communities in which they work and live can find a way to become involved. Saying that “being “truly in” and wanting to make your community a better place starts with an investment in the people and the Y is making that investment every day”.
Angela wants to remind everyone to “never be afraid to ask for help, but more importantly, never be afraid to ask what you can do to help. There are a multitude of ways to support the YMCA. Regardless of whether it is time or treasure, ask how you can get involved. Whether you want to help, or need help, always ask, because people don’t know what they don’t know”.
If you would like to learn more about joining an advisory board or other volunteer opportunities at the Y, reach out the leadership team at your local branch or contact Eric Ryan at